Mission Statement

about 3 lines of text
about 3 lines of text
about 3 lines of text

Mission Statement

Taft Forward Property Management Group manages a diverse and a growing portfolio of residential, commercial, retail, and industrial properties in North America. The company specializes in the management of condominium and rental properties and delivers quality expertise in this area.

Forward Property Management (Canada) Inc. and its associate, Forward Property Management Inc. (a U.S. corporation), were incorporated in 1993. Taft Management Inc. and Taft Management U.S. Inc. (a U.S. corporation), were subsequently incorporated under the same umbrella and have the same principal owner and staff. Taft has been an ACMO 2000 certified company since 2010 (one of 39 management companies in Ontario). Taft has been a member of the Canadian Condominium Institute (C.C.I.) since 2002 and a corporate member of ACMO.

The mission of the company is clear: to enhance the value of the property through aggressive, pro-active and responsible management with the goal to maintain a powerful, competitive edge in the marketplace, while always promoting a strong relationship with tenants and unit owners.

The strength of Taft Forward lies in its ability to work together with all condominium Board of Directors and Condominium owners in a constructive and positive manner. The goal is twofold: to improve the quality of living for unit owners and to maximize the value of the property.