about 3 lines of text
about 3 lines of text

Set ground rules for directors with code of ethics
When a director joins the condo board, it is not uncommon to sense tension between the newcomer and the current members at first. Experience suggests this...

Condominium management standards
Written by Shlomo Sharon and Vaishali Taylor The Ontario government is preparing to license both condominium managers and management companies. But until it...

FYI: The owner information meeting
At some point in its life, a condominium corporation is likely to face issues in which the owners want to have their say or at least be made aware of. These...

Lawyering up
Written by Shlomo Sharon | 21 November 2015 Condo Business Consider this scenario: At the first meeting of a newly elected condo board, the property manager...

How to select a new property management company
So the board wants to change management companies. The first question to answer is: Why? What is it that the corporation isn’t getting from the current...

Setting Condo Fees At Optimal Level
Setting a condominium corporation's budget, which will ultimately dictate the monthly fees each unit owner is required to pay, is by no means a simple task....

The Problem of Hoarding
The Renter's Guide From time to time management will receive complaints, from tenants in their building, that one or more of their neighbours appears to have...

How To Tender Competitive Contracts
Condo Business From time to time, a condominium corporation is required to tender contracts. Service providers may be engaged to conduct yearly or seasonal...

How Many Is Too Many
The Renter's Guide Recently, we received a rental application for a unit in one of the rental properties that we manage. All the required information (current...