10 May 2014
The Renter's Guide
We all, who live in a multi-residential unit, need a good night's sleep. In order to do so, we should not have to be worried about safety and security of our homes. This is a combined responsibility of both the landlord and the residents. When you consider renting a residential unit, you should first of all familiarize yourself with the area, drive around the property during the day and night time. You should look around for any signs that would alarm you, such as graffiti, broken fences, broken windows and back yards that are in disrepair.
10 May 2014
New Condo Guide
The amount of money that a Condominium Corporation has on deposit in its reserve bank account can range from $20,000 to over $2,000,000. The management of these funds, and the ongoing operating fund, is the ultimate responsibility of the Condominium Corporation’s Board of Directors.